Re: [-empyre-] I once ate a pea : l'ellipse

Aliette writes,

Ce que je propose bêtement c'est d'en faire radicalement l'ellipse...

In mathematics, an ellipse (from the Greek for absence) is a plane algebraic curve where the sum of the distances from any point on the curve to two fixed points is constant. The two fixed points are called foci (plural of focus).


Let's think about the space of digital communication (including art practice) as a slip: elliptical and sidereal speech space . Christiane Paul brought in Chantal Mouffe's description of the social space of the net as 'agon' or agonistic', eg requiring two or more equal subjects engaged in an 'equal' discourse. In contrast, there is the argument that there is no such equal (agon) space possible, at least I guess that's the paradox of hypermodernity that Erik has described so eloquently. At the end of all of this you'd have a world of endlessly proliferating semantics (adwords, pace Bruno and Google) all tagged. But something remains elusive and untaggable, it seems. A spiritual jouissance, something aside. the place of x, or, consciousness untagged. We feel this or we wouldnt bother to be writing now.
This beyond or (sidereal) to the tag/brand may remains '"Real" possibly unnameable . Or thought x is always put in motion, thus, x plus, or x minus, the ellipse. "Inside" the ellipse (if you want to think of this is as a space, of speech), is a place where "Real" speech occurs. In the negative (or 'missing' condition, ellipsis, or absense (not adsense!) . If all places are hybridized as semantic code-beings, no place lacks an 'adword" : analogically, we agree, as above, 'the sum of distances from any point on the curve to two fixed points is constant", meaning, there is a constant sum, like the "sum of all possible Adwords. still, I agree with Brett, there's still another Real, certainly, sidereal, anyway : where people are constantly migrating proliferating moving and where the earth is in a tremendously speeded up feedback loop of climate changes. You could think of this dynamic as an active 'elllipsis'. So you've got at least two kinds of Real , both of them indeterminate, dynamic and living in the slip. One, the Real that exists alongside/sidereally to objects of desire, (anarchitecture, untagged) as a struuctural consequence of the subject-object structure of language; two, the indisputable fact that human induced environmental change is proceeded on such a rapid and massive scale, that the concept of place, or place holder in space, net or not, is structurally fluid and unfixed. Any attempt to name everything, like old Adam in the Garden of Eden, will fail and we are continually kicked out of (Benthamite Panopticon) Paradise.

Can we speak inside this space of the slip? Does the net itself speak here? Does it say something more than what its masters (let's say, Google) want ? Is the speech of structural impending failure a truth speech? I argue yes. Can we say that the discursive space of the net that we're in right now (digital communications) is aphasic (stuttering, incomplete, slipping, failed) and has parrhesia (fearlessness in speaking the truth) in the architecture of the space itself? All attempts to dominate discourse, to tag everything, by the "masters" is thwarted by the presencing of the "slave" , we in the space of the net, ialways moving beyond being taggable due to its constant morphing, proliferation and breakdowns (glitch, failure to thrive) . Our very condition of being trapped in the 'constant sum' of the ellipsis, and yet always moving (infinite variability = infinite absences and reapparences) . Our aphasia gives rise to a language that speaks, or bears witness to a truth condition beyond tags and brands. In "Fearless Speech" Michel Foucault riffed on the ancient Greek sense that true speech arises only in conditions in which the speaker is in a condition of unequal power (not agon) relative to the receiver of his or her message. Thus the agora (space of agons) gives rise to debate but not 'truth'. The 'parrhesiastic' speaker is one who speaks knowing that his or her speech may cause the receiver to kill her or him. The parrhesiastes' speech is true as a structural consequence of being 'enslaved'. So where Lyotard despairs, I have hope, no, more, conviction that language, even our language, here, always already escapes commodity. We are already in the place of x, the Real, just by generating this conversation in the medium of the net. Perhaps I resonate to the ancient Christian (Pauline) political insight, that slaves are the bearers of true speech.

(apologies for the manic density of this comment and its many illogical moments)


PS These musings are at the root of some artist=writings (i'd hesitate to call them theory) that inform some takes on place, sublime and speech in digital art.

Aphasia+Parrhesia: Code and Speech in the Neural Topologies of the Net" in several takes , a short one is

and earlier, on naxsmash and architecture of the invisible at

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